A great and pestilential scourge is on us. Fleas. They invaded sometime last week, laid eggs and then three days ago the... eggs... hatched......
And the leaping, climbing, hopping infestation began.
It's disgusting. I haven't really slept in two nights. Itchy, jumpy fleas. Apparently it's the humid summer that's making them bad. Today I burst into tears at my desk. I'm not very resilient to insomnia.
Tea with cinnamon is good, she said, changing the subject and ignoring the jumping things climbing up her legs. You can put cinnamon into almost any tea, and if you leave it to steep for half an hour (and then reheat the tea), it goes into another gear, flavour-wise. I never ever use ground cinnamon for this purpose because it's gritty. Always cinnamon quills. There were six months back there when rooibos tea with cinnamon and soy milk was what kept me sane.
Tonight I'm not sure if even cinnamon can do that, as in spite of one flea bomb and a severe carpet spray, the floor still jumps and it's likely to be another night of scratching and starting. Misery.
Sigh, off to bed. Sleep well.